
Friday, August 19, 2011

Jamify - Early preview

One Developer, one Qt SDK, one Desire...

To discover free music, everywhere!

This preview gives you a hint of what's coming up!

So what's Jamify?

Jamify is a browser/streamer/explorer for the Jamendo service. Jamendo is an on-line service which provides music under the creative common license, free to listen to as much as your heart desire without any registration if you don't want to.

The application is currently targeted for the Nokia N9 (but could be ported to other platforms) and is far from complete. The screen shots below gives you an idea of what the application looks like.

Jamify's primary goal is to give the user an application which makes it easy to discover new music which is licensed under the creative common license.

So without further ado, here some shots:

Waiting for a video teaser? Let's hope I find the time :)